
BBBS to Host its 29th Annual Golf Marathon at Singing Hills

June 13, 2022

Named 2021 Fundraising Event of the Year by the San Diego Business Journal, Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego County Golf Marathon has raised more than $3.1 million dollars to match mentors to San Diego youth.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego County (BBBS of SDC) is hosting its 29th Annual Golf Marathon at Sycuan Resort, Friday, June 24. The all-day event challenges participants to golf as many holes as they can, while raising funds to benefit San Diego children by providing them with a caring and dedicated Big Brother/Big Sister mentor. The Annual Golf Marathon was awarded the 2021 Fundraising Event of the Year by the San Diego Business Journal, and since its inaugural year, this event has raised more than $3.1 million dollars to support critical mentoring services to San Diego youth, at no cost to San Diego families.

“Many of our golf participants refer to this event, as ‘their favorite day of the year’, because they can golf all day and enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded, community members who are passionate about raising funds to support local youth with preventative and empowering one-to-one mentoring programs,” said Tina Rose, President & CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego County. “We are truly grateful to partner with our sponsor and host Sycuan Casino Resort to assure that all the funds raised go directly to serving youth across San Diego.”

Current Littles will be participating with their Bigs at this year’s event as a fun way to spend quality time with their match and get to interact directly with supporters.

“The Golf Marathon is a really special and unique event”, said Tim Cruickshank BBBS of SDC Board Member and Golf Marathon Chair. “There is no other event like this in San Diego, from the interaction with the ‘Littles’ and other golfers, to the excitement of going for 100 holes in one day, it’s an incredible spectacle! With the addition of a second course, we believe this year will be even better, as we focus on our goal of supporting over 150 children with one-to-one mentors this year.”

This year, participating golfers will enjoy:

  • All-inclusive golf from sunrise to sunset – play 18 or go for 100!
  • Dual Courses: Access to both the Willow Glen and Oak Glen golf courses at Singing Hills Golf Resort at Sycuan
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner followed by awards presentation and dinner
  • Sponsored on-course refreshments
  • Course contests including Hole in One Vehicle, Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin and so much more!
  • Hotel group rate at Sycuan Casino Resort for those who wish to stay the night or make a weekend of it
  • Four Hole-in-One Prizes including a new CAR donated by Toyota from El Cajon

BBBS of SDC invites all interested golfers to sign up for this incredible opportunity to support San Diego’s youth and win prizes! There is no fee for golfers to sign up to play; however, golfers must raise a minimum of $1,000 in donations and many exceed this commitment. Big Brothers Big Sisters has a dedicated fundraising website to help golfers meet their goals with an online donation portal, fundraising tips and pledge materials.

About Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego County

For more than 100 years nationally and 61 locally, Big Brothers Big Sisters has operated under the belief that inherent in every child is the ability to succeed and thrive in life. As the nation’s largest donor and volunteer supported mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”), ages 7 through 21, in communities across the country. We develop positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people. The Big Brothers Big Sisters Mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. The Big Brothers Big Sisters Vision is for all youth to achieve their full potential.

Learn how you can positively impact a child’s life, donate or volunteer today at, or call (858) 536-4900. For more information on Golf Marathon go to